TB: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Way back when on a hot, summer day, an ordinary baby girl was born to
an ordinary man and woman. They brought her home to live in an
ordinary house on an ordinary street... Bored yet? Yeah, what can I tell
you? I love to write, obviously. Travel and photography are next in line. If
I can write, travel, and take photos while eating chocolate, I consider
myself in heaven. Where do I like to travel, you ask? I went to Kenya and
Tanzania this year. Countries on my bucket list are Iceland, Wales, New
Zealand, Norway, Austria, Vietnam,and a slew of others. And for those
who want to know EVERYTHING. I wear a size 9 1/2 shoe. But please
don't tell, my feet are a tad embarrassed by the revelation.
TB: Was there a certain time in your life you knew you wanted to write?
I've been a book nerd my entire life. That said, I used to re-write the endings
of books that ended differently than I had anticipated. If that isn't nerdy and
weird, I don't know what it. My first story was published in the local paper
when I was in 4th grade, so I always dreamed I'd see my books in libraries
and bookstores. I even did a stint on my high school newspaper and dreamed
of being a journalist, but I'm a bit of an introvert, so that kind of fizzled. Writing
books is an introvert's dream job. I'm living the dream!
TB: What are you currently working on?
This interview. Then I'm off to finish the sequel to Murder is a Dirty Business,
and I have a stand-alone women's travel adventure in the works.