Babel Volume 47 Number 2 | Page 3

Editorial Anne-Marie Morgan 2
Diane de Saint Léger and Neomy Storch 4
Michele de Courcy and Jovanka Smilevska 14
Judith Ascione and Nicolette Bramley 24
Callie Mady 30


Editorial Anne-Marie Morgan 2

Matthew Absalom
Immediate Past President
Sherryl Saunders
Kylie Farmer
Ruth Fielding
Cynthia Dodd
Babel Editor
Anne-Marie Morgan
Promotions Officer
Fulvia Valvasori
Information Officer
Amanda Pentti
and Webmaster
State / Territory MLTA Directory
ACT MLTA ( ACT ) Inc ., GPO Box 989 , Canberra ACT 2601
NSW MLTA NSW Inc ., C / - PTC , PO Box 121 Leichhardt NSW 2040
NT LTANT , PO Box 42446 , Casuarina NT 0811
QLD MLTAQ Inc ., PO Box 3727 , South Brisbane BC 4101
SA MLTASA Inc ., GPO Box 622 Adelaida SA 5001
TAS MLTAT of Tasmania , C / - PTC , PO Box 20U , Upper Burnie , Tas . 7320
VIC MLTAV Inc ., Statewide Resources Centre , 150 Palmerston Street , Carlton Vic . 3053
WA MLTAWA Inc ., PO Box 605 , Subiaco WA 6008
Financial members of Australian State and Territory MLTAs receive Babel automatically as part of their membership . Applications for membership of any State or Territory Modern Language Teachers Association should be forwarded to the appropriate association at the address indicated above .
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Within Australia ( surface mail ) ( GST inclusive )
Individuals $ 95.00 $ 74.00
Overseas ( air mail ) $ 100.00 $ 80.00
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Guidelines for Contributors
Babel publishes general and research articles , reviews , and reports about the teaching and learning of languages , and language policy at primary , secondary , and tertiary level . Articles should normally be between 2000 and 5000 words . Reports and reviews are more likely to be between 1000 and 2000 words . Microsoft Word format is preferred (. doc /. docx ) or Rich Text Format (. rtf ). Authors should include their name , title , work location , postal and e-mail addresses , and fax and telephone numbers on a separate cover sheet . As all contributions are anonymously peer reviewed , authors should remove any identifying information from their text ( e . g . name in footers and headers ) and , if necessary , refer to themselves in the Reference list only as Author . In general , submissions will include an Abstract of between 150-200 words and a list of key word descriptors .
It is the responsibility of contributors to consult our stylesheet and follow formatting and referencing requirements before submitting their work ( visit www . afmlta . asn . au , go to the Journal tab ).
Pictures , graphics , graphs or other forms of illustrations must be of good quality and submitted separately as jpeg files . They should be no larger than A4-size .
Electronic copies of contributions are sent to the Editor at : editor @ afmlta . asn . au
‘ Conversing ’ in French : the effect of high-stakes environments on oral task performance

Diane de Saint Léger and Neomy Storch 4

Writing strategies of children in a Macedonian- English bilingual program in Victoria

Michele de Courcy and Jovanka Smilevska 14

Reducing teaching hours in tertiary Japanese : a case study

Judith Ascione and Nicolette Bramley 24

Reducing the gap between second language researchers and teachers : lessons learned

Callie Mady 30

Volume 47 Number 2