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Tuesday 19 th
The Importance of Having A Website for Any Business
One of the most surprising things when you look at small businesses is how many of them don ’ t have a website . You would think that in this day and age everybody would know how important a website is for all businesses .
Clearly that is not the case . Any business that does not have a website is missing out on one of the most powerful marketing tools available to them .
The main reason that it is important for businesses to have a website is how people are likely to find you . These days most people will go online and research products and companies before they make a purchase , if you don ’ t have a website you are missing out on all of this potential business . Even if people don ’ t buy your product online they are still likely to research it online so you have to have a website so these people can learn about your business .
A website is also important because it helps you establish credibility as a business . Most people just assume that you have a website since the vast majority of businesses do , at least the vast majority of big companies do . There are actually still quite a few small businesses that don ’ t have a website and without one this is exactly what they will remain . If you don ’ t have a website that you can refer people to potential customers are going to assume that you are a small time company that does not take their business seriously . Once you establish this reputation it is going to be hard to make sales .
A website will not only give you credibility but it will also help to give the impression that your company is bigger and more successful than it may actually be . One of the great things about the internet is that the size of your company does not really matter . There is no reason that you can ’ t get your site to rank in Google ahead of a large multinational competitor and funnel off some of their traffic . This is a big part of the reason that a website is even more important for a small business than a big one , it tends to level the playing field .
Clearly there are still a lot of small businesses that do not have websites , there are various reasons for this but mostly it comes down to the belief that they are expensive . It is rather surprising how much small business owners believe a website will cost them . In truth a website can be built for very little money and if you are on a tight budget . Remember you don ’ t need a giant ten thousand page website for your business , just a simple site that tells people about your company and your products will be more than enough .
Source : www . superwebanalyst . net / Importance-of-Havinga-Website-for-Any-Business . php
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