ACTIVITY WORKSHEET FOR “B2 SUPPORT” PROJECT Gymnázium Děčín web: https://www.gymnaziumdc.cz/ project Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/b2supportgymnaziumdc/ 30. ACTIVITY NAME: LISTENING AND READING COMPREHENSION MAIN GOAL(S): KEY GRAMMAR/ VOCABULARY LEVEL: TIME: PREPARATION: Getting students more involved in reading and listening Any grammar and vocabulary of a unit PROCEDURE: 1. Divide students in pairs and give them a comprehension check exercise 2. Tell them to listen carefully to the text. 3. Students complete their exercise in pairs. 4. Tell them to stand up and exchange place with other pair BUT to leave their paper there. 5. After the exchange students get the text they listened to on paper and check the other pair´s answers by finding them in the text. A copy of a text from a textbook, a copy of a comprehension check exercise MATERIALS NEEDED: POSSIBLE VARIATION: Worksheet author: Course/ lecturer the activity is from: Different levels 20minutes Prepare a text on paper and also in audio form. Prepare either a True/False comprehension check or multiple-choice comprehension check or comprehension check questions. These readings are usually a part of every unit in textbooks. Any text you have in both written and audio form. Olga Česneková Creative Teaching in the Secondary and Adult English Language Classroom, Oxford, 1.7.-12.7.2019, lecturer Sian Tezel 86