ACTIVITY WORKSHEET FOR “B2 SUPPORT” PROJECT Gymnázium Děčín web: https://www.gymnaziumdc.cz/ project Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/b2supportgymnaziumdc/ 26.ACTIVITY NAME: EVERYDAY ENGLISH QUIZ MAIN GOAL(S): KEY VOCABULARY LEVEL: TIME: PREPARATION: Revision of vocabulary / Team work Everyday English idioms intermediate 25 minutes Students work with idioms they went through on previous lessons. Teacher prepares at least 2 grass skirt with 20 sentences including the idioms. The list of sentences is attached to this worksheet. PROCEDURE: 1. Stick each of the grass skirt paper either on a wall, a door or a window. There should be a distance in between them. 2. Tell students to make two teams, there will be a race 3. The teams stand in a queue facing the grass skirt in a distance of about 2m 4. The race begins. The first one of each team runs to the grass skirt, tears it off and takes it back to their team mates. Their goal is to come up with a meaning of the idiom included, agree on it as a team and then tell the teacher. If the teacher agrees, the other player runs for another sentence. 5. The team with all the answers correct are the winners. MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT NEEDED: POSSIBLE VARIATION: Worksheet author: Course/ lecturer the activity is from: The attached list of sentences copied at least twice and cut in a form of a grass skirt. This activity can be used with various idioms, phrasal verbs, or with comprehension check questions. Olga Česneková Creative Teaching in the Secondary and Adult English Language Classroom, Oxford, 1.7.-12.7.2019, lecturer Sian Tezel 79