ACTIVITY WORKSHEET FOR “B2 SUPPORT” PROJECT Gymnázium Děčín web: https://www.gymnaziumdc.cz/ project Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/b2supportgymnaziumdc/ 22. ACTIVITY NAME: GETTING TO KNOW EACH OTHER... MAIN GOAL(S): Practice speaking and listening, learn something new about the classmates/teacher KEY GRAMMAR Questions (different tenses, types) LEVEL: A2-? (based on the level of Ss you can specify the type of questions, adapt the task) 40-45 minutes Facts to start the activity with It can be a nice activity in the first class after a summer holiday break in the group where everybody already knows each other TIME: PREPARATION: PROCEDURE: cca 15-20 minutes - T writes his/her 3 facts on the board and explains the point of the activity, e.g. 1. I missed my Spanish family a lot in the summer. 2. Hated teacher is the best friend now. 3. I am not happy in my new house in the city. - the Ss have to ask the T questions to find out which fact is true (2) and which one is false (1) - the point is that if the Ss ask about the true fact, T´s answer has to be true, but if they ask about the false fact, T´s answer can, but does not have to, be true - there is a time limit/number of questions limit and then the Ss mention one by one their guess and the T reveals the answer and comments on it cca 5 minutes - Ss are asked to write 3 facts about them to be ready to play the same game with somebody in the class cca 20 minutes - Ss play the game in groups of 4-6 (depends on the age/level,…) - a short feedback of new info they have learned about each other MATERIALS none POSSIBLE VARIATION: Worksheet author: Course/ lecturer the activity is from: The activity can be adapted according to the language structure/topic/level of Ss… Gabriela Řeháková Patrick Winters, ACET Cork, Ireland, 2019 70