ACTIVITY WORKSHEET FOR “B2 SUPPORT” PROJECT Gymnázium Děčín web: https://www.gymnaziumdc.cz/ project Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/b2supportgymnaziumdc/ 6. ACTIVITY NAME: BEEN THERE TOGETHER – challenge game MAIN GOAL(S): CHALENGE - getting to know each other / getting out of a comfort zone / to perceive one’s surroundings and people around  The game can be played also individually outside the classroom to get out of one’s comfort zone / when one is bored, e.g. at the airport. It can help to start communication with a stranger. KEY GRAMMAR/ VOCABULARY LEVEL: intermediate/upper-intermediate (can be lower levels too) TIME: 25 minutes PREPARATION: Link to the online source: http://game.beentheretogether.cards/game.html You can play the game from a computer, with an app or print out the cards. We got them at the conference party - printed. There are cards in four colour – four categories, divided by intensity or participation. Yellow – RESEARCH, Green – INTERACTION, Blue – DIALOGUE, Red - COLLABORATION PROCEDURE: ! Be ready for bit a a chaos and noise. Make students stand around the classroom. 1. INSTRUCTION WITH AN EXAMPLE Inform students that you are going to play a game full of challenges. Everyone will get after the instruction stage a packet of little cards to choose from. Green / Yellow / Blue / Red. Show an example to students. You take a red card and should fulfil the task written on the card. e.g. Exchange something with somebody. It means you should go to another student and start speaking to him in order to exchange something. (Show it to your students – choose a student to exchange a pencil with.) 2. Each student has a packet of little cards to choose from. Green / Yellow / Blue / Red. They start to play. 3. Stop the activity and discuss what students have learned through the interaction. What challenge was the easiest/hardest/funniest? 4. Evaluate the activity with an online vote or simply with thumbs. MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT NEEDED: POSSIBLE VARIATION: set of cards for each student printed You can create your own cards or make students create them for the next round. 39