Is byGlobBlairl Warming Real?
Yes! Global warming is happening right now all over
the world. Recently, scientists from all over the world met
to determine a conclusive list ofthe effects ofclimate
change. They determined that agriculture would improve at
a lower rate, which poses a threat to the world’s food supply.
Polar ice caps continue to melt, while fresh water rivers
continue to become even more stressed. Animals and plants
are dying as humans destroy their habitats to fuel their own
lifestyles. Many people believe that global warming would
be too expensive to fix and argue that nothing should be
done at all. Secretary ofState John Kerry disagrees with this
statement with “waiting is truly unaffordable. The costs of
inaction are catastrophic,” because it has been found that
global warming will slow down economic growth.
"It is time to
start changing"
While global warming seems impossible to combat, it
is important to remember that humans started global
warming, so we can reverse it too! There is a lot ofwork to
do, but any movement has to start somewhere. We can
start doing small things everyday to help improve the
health of our planet like picking up trash and turning off
the lights when we leave a room. There are lots of organic
food and clothing options too that are more eco-friendly.
Planting a garden and participating in a beach clean-up are
fun, pro-Earth activities. To learn more about how you can
become involved, visit!
What kind of world do you want your children to live
in? If you want them to live in a beautiful and natural
world, then it is time to start changing how we deal with
global warming. Be innovative! Be bold! Be new!