B-Living Issue 4/2024 | Page 20

A stressed mind can negatively impact your mental and emotional well-being . Constant thoughts about finances , work , family life or relationships can be worrying and add to the feeling of fatigue at this time of the year . Sarah Sarkis , a Doctor of Psychology says : ‘ It ’ s really hard to show up for game day if you don ’ t have the skills to help you .’ She says there are multiple tools that are available to manage heightened emotions and self soothe when needed :
• Journaling : Write down your thoughts and feelings along with affirmations
• Reading : Dive into a good book and explore other worlds
• Listening to music : Upbeat music tends to lift your mood
• Taking refreshing walks in nature
• Breath work : in particular , Sarkis likes box breathing , which can help activate your parasympathetic ( rest and digest ) nervous system . Basically , it entails inhaling for four seconds , holding your breath for four , then exhaling for a count of four seconds . Another technique to try is to practise with longer exhales than inhales : ( 4-7-8 breathing entails inhaling through your nose for four seconds , holding for seven and exhaling through your mouth for eight seconds , it can help relax your nervous system .) Pro tip : Some people find it helpful to put a hand on their stomach to feel the sensation of their breath or to picture their breath moving through their body and slowing down
• Decluttering your living space to create a more peaceful environment , which can help reduce mental clutter as well
• Talking to a trusted friend or family member
• Painting or drawing
• Setting boundaries
Another underrated way of releasing emotion is simply to LAUGH ! Laughing is known to cure heart disease and you can burn up to 40 calories from laughing for 10-15 minutes .
Excessive screen-time can be detrimental to your well-being . To assist with winding down it ’ s important to unplug and refresh your mind . Suggestions that can help you disconnect are to take social media breaks and have phone free hours that are suitable for you . Set screen time limits on your devices and use the 20-20-20 rule – for every 20 minutes online , take a 20 second break and look at something 20m away to reduce eye strain . It is also highly recommended to create tech-free zones in your home and keep your brain stimulated by taking up hobbies that don ’ t require screen time such as puzzles , cooking or gardening .
Taking care of yourself is essential for your emotional and mental well-being and will aid in keeping you rejuvenated until the end of the year . Here are some tips to help you feel and perform your best :
• Eat healthily : incorporate a balanced diet that is rich in fruits , vegetables , lean proteins and whole grains , with nutritious snacks to maintain energy levels throughout the day
• Exercise regularly : aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week such as running , walking , cycling or swimming
• Social connections : spend time with friends and family and engage in social activities that bring you joy and fulfilment Get enough sleep : try to get 7-9 hours of sleep and establish a bedtime routine
Being organised helps you stay on track , reduces stress as you check items off your ‘ to do ’ list and increases your reliability .
Here are some ways to achieve this :
• Set realistic goals : Establish achievable goals for yourself to maintain motivation and avoid burnout
• Use a planner : Use a physical or digital planner to organise your daily tasks and set clear , attainable objectives
• Create a vision board : Design a vision board for the upcoming year , where you can visualise your aspirations . Include goals related to family , friendships , career , school or fitness . This visual reminder can help you stay accountable and focused
It ’ s so easy to be overwhelmed by the disappointments you may have experienced in the past year , but in order to wind down , it ’ s important to reflect objectively .
• Take some time to meditate and celebrate your accomplishments and identify areas where you can grow .
• Show gratitude for everything you have and for what is yet to come , appreciating both the good and challenging experiences of the year .
• Forgive yourself for hurt you may have caused and forgive others for hurt they may have caused you . Allow yourself to heal and move forward .
• Consider creating a gratitude jar where you write down things you are thankful for from the past year .
These practices can help you maintain a positive outlook in your life
Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 4 / 2024