B-Living Issue 4/2023 | Page 6

Ask the Doctor

Have a question for the doctor ? Email us at askthedoctor @ bonitas . co . za and your question could feature in the next issue of B-Living .
Hi Doctor I ’ ve been having problems with my hearing recently and I ' m not sure where to get the help I need . Can you provide some guidance on what steps I should take to address my hearing difficulties ? Fridah
Hi Fridah Firstly , it ' s essential to undergo a comprehensive hearing evaluation by a qualified audiologist . They will assess the extent of your hearing loss and determine its underlying cause . participating pharmacy , biokineticist or a Bonitas wellness day . This will help with early detection of health issues and allow for timely intervention .
What ’ s more , by completing a wellness screening , you will automatically activate your Benefit Booster : This will give you an extra out-of-hospital benefit in addition to your day-to-day benefits or savings , that you can use as you choose . Once activated , out-of-hospital claims like GP visits , over-the-counter medicine , X-rays , blood tests and more , will then be paid from the available Benefit Booster amount ( plan dependent ).
If you ' re a member on a qualifying Bonitas option , I suggest you explore the Audiology Benefit Management programme , that is available to members experiencing hearing loss . It utilises the latest audiological technology and maintains the highest standards of clinical expertise .
To make the most of this benefit , it ’ s advisable that you use an audiologist on the hearConnect Audiology Network , so that your tests and consultations are fully covered . Using a Designated Service Provider , also means no co-payments for hearing aids , should they be prescribed . You can call hearConnect on 010 880 6414 , WhatsApp them on 064 760 6262 or email them at bonitas @ hearconnect . co . za to find your nearest network audiologist .
Hi Doctor I ' ve been feeling unusually down and overwhelmed lately , I ' m concerned it might be more than just a passing mood . How can I differentiate between regular bouts of sadness and clinical depression ? And what steps can I take to address these feelings , if indeed , it is depression ? Jabu
Hi Jabu It ’ s normal to feel sad or low sometimes and these feelings usually pass with a little time . Depression , on the other hand , is more than just occasional feelings of sadness . It ' s a longlasting condition that is characterised by severe symptoms that significantly impact your daily life .
Hello Doctor I ’ ve been feeling quite tired and lethargic lately , even though I get enough sleep . I ’ ve also been experiencing more frequent urination and increased thirst . I ’ m really concerned about my health but I can ’ t go to the GP because my day-to-day benefits are exhausted . Please help … Kaylen
Hello Kaylen The symptoms you ’ ve been experiencing can be associated with various health conditions , including diabetes . It ' s important to address these symptoms early , as they may indicate an underlying health issue .
I would advise that you go for a free wellness screening at a
Symptoms of depression may include , but are not limited to , persistent sadness , loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed , changes in appetite or weight , insomnia , feelings of worthlessness , as well as thoughts of self-harm or suicide .
If you suspect you may be experiencing depression , it ' s essential to consult a healthcare professional . They can provide a proper diagnosis and develop a treatment plan , especially designed for your needs . This may involve therapy , antidepressant medicine or a combination of both .
The good news for Bonitas members is that depression will now be covered as a chronic condition on all plans for 2024 . Members will also have access to our comprehensive mental health care programme , to ensure they get the care they need .
6 Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 4 | 2023