B-Living Issue 3 Sept. 2021 Sept. 2021 | Page 33

positive . This is a 101 % increase in tests performed over the past seven and a half months .
However , studies have shown that once people are vaccinated , they ’ re far less likely to fall seriously ill and there is less likelihood of hospitalisation for the Delta variant . This is why the vaccine roll out is critical and aligns with the statement from Dr Marian van Kerkhove of the World Health Organization ( WHO ) who said , ‘ The COVID-19 situation globally is dangerous with high levels of transmission driven by four major factors . The first are the variants of concern , including the Delta variant . The second factor is that we have increased social mixing and social mobility , which increases the number of contacts that individuals have . The third factor is the relaxation or the inappropriate use of public health and social measures . Proven public health and social measures that we know prevent infections , reduce the spread of the virus and save lives . And the fourth factor is the uneven and inequitable distribution of vaccines .’
Protection from severe illness The more people vaccinated and the more people who have COVID-19 and recover , the more protection the population will have . That is not necessarily protection from infection but protection from severe illness . Vaccinating as many people as possible , as soon as possible , remains a priority if we are to minimise and curb the impact of COVID-19 .
‘ Over 10 527 363 million doses had been administered by August 20 with 4 832 763 million or 7.95 % of the South Africans population now fully vaccinated . Plans are in place to increase awareness and education around vaccines to continue to encourage as many people over the age of 18 to register . The aim is to increase daily vaccinations as well as open selected sites over weekends .
Educate and vaccinate In collaboration with service providers and employer groups , our private vaccination sites also promote key COVID-19 messages , with take home educational leaflets that can be shared .
Our identified high-risk beneficiaries are also being supported through various initiatives , including disease management interventions , home-based care and medicine supplies - where required .
QR Code replaces forms Complaints about queues and waiting times at some sites have been taken into consideration so we have streamlined the process for you by providing access to a QR code , upon registration on the EVDS and our portal . This means that you are scanned upon arrival , eliminating any delay caused by having to fill in forms - allowing for a smooth and efficient process .
“ The 3rd wave of COVID-19 , which is predominantly the Delta variant , had a major impact on our healthcare system , with reports of hospital admissions being significantly higher than during waves 1 and 2 .”
Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 3 | 2021