7 . Who should get a flu vaccine ? It is recommended that anyone in the high-risk groups including :
• Healthcare workers
• Individuals over 65 years of age
• Individuals with chronic diseases – or comorbidities – for example : Cardiac disease , hypertension , stroke , diabetes , asthma , chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , kidney diseases , etc .
• Pregnant women
• People living with HIV / AIDS
8 . Who should NOT have the flu vaccine ?
• Anyone allergic to eggs or egg proteins as the manufacturing process for the vaccine involves the use of chicken eggs
• Infants under 6 months of age - the vaccines are not licensed for use in such young children
• Individuals who may have had a severe reaction to a flu vaccine in the past – if you are unsure discuss with your healthcare provider
• Individuals who may be suffering from flu symptoms already
9 . Will the flu shot give me a mild flu ? According to the Centre for Disease Control ( CDC ), ‘ A flu shot cannot cause flu . Flu vaccines are currently made either with flu vaccine viruses that have been ‘ inactivated ’ and are not infectious or with no flu vaccine viruses at all . The most common side-effects from the vaccine are soreness , redness , tenderness or swelling where the shot was given . Serious allergic reactions to flu vaccines are rare .’
10 . Still not convinced ? Flu viruses spread very quickly from person to person . Even if the flu vaccine is not 100 % effective against the current flu strain , it will reduce your risk of getting flu and , if you do get it , it will be a great deal milder .
More importantly , by having the flu vaccine you protect others , who may be vulnerable : Family members , small babies , the elderly or those who are immune compromised . As with Covid-19 , the more people vaccinated the closer we can get to ’ herd immunity ’.
' Although the flu vaccine will not eliminate your risk of developing flu , it helps reduce your chances of severe infection .'
Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 2 | 2022