B-Living Issue 2 Jun. 2021 | Page 35

Protect your eyes this winter

There are a number of seasonal changes that can impact your eyes as the cold weather sets in , such as :
• Dry outdoor air followed by warm indoor air
• UV radiation
• Extensive use of heaters and fires
• High winds blowing foreign bodies into the eyes
• Increased screen-time

How to combat winter dry eyes

Although winter dry eyes are fairly common , there are a number of things you can do to prevent and treat it .
• Make use of a humidifier in your home to combat the dry air that you face outside and balance the amount of moisture in the air around you .
• Wear good-quality sunglasses that protect your eyes from UV rays .
• Avoid standing too close to heaters and fires for prolonged periods of time .
• Always ensure that your hands are clean before touching the eyes or the area surrounding the eyes .
• Take frequent breaks when watching TV and using laptops , tablets and phones , and be mindful of blinking habits when in front of a screen .
• Start taking Omega 3 supplements or increase the amount of fish containing Omega 3 in your diet .
• Drink lots of water to keep hydrated so that your eyes can retain an adequate amount of moisture materials .
To relieve symptoms of dry , itchy , irritated winter eyes , apply over-the-counter eye drops that have been recommended by your optometrist or eye specialist , or apply a warm compress .
If symptoms continue , book an appointment with your eye care provider to get to the root of the problem .
To find a PPN provider call 041 065 0650 , visit www . ppn . co . za or email bonitas @ ppn . co . za .