B-Living Issue 2/2023 B-Living Q2 2023 | Page 16

If you ' re unsure of how to look after yourself effectively this winter , don ' t worry . With these self-care tips , winter just might become your favourite season .
Dress warmly Make sure you are always warmly dressed . As you plan for your outing , don ' t forget to bundle up with a coat , scarf and gloves . Pack a hot drink or stop at your favourite coffee shop for a tea , coffee and hot chocolate . These are excellent ways to stay warm during the colder months .
Eat and drink well As the winter season sets in , it ' s important to pay attention to your body ' s need for richer foods . To ensure a healthy diet , try incorporating nuts , seeds , dairy and dried fruits instead of opting for sugary snacks . Additionally , staying hydrated is essential to regulate your body temperature during this chillier time of year .
Watch the sun As the days become darker and shorter , use the sunlight as a guide to shift your sleep schedule . By going to bed earlier , you can give yourself more time to recharge and restore energy levels . Making this change can be beneficial towards your overall wellbeing .
Treat yourself This season don ' t forget to show yourself some love . You deserve something nice too , whether it be a hot chocolate with all the trimmings or any other special little treat . So , give in and enjoy !
Take a bath Give your body a treat and take some time to soak in a warm bath . Adding Epsom salts or bubbles can make the experience even more enjoyable . Taking some time for self-care activities like this , offers numerous mental and physical benefits - you ’ ll be glad that you did it !
Slow down The cold winter can dampen your mood and add stress to your day . So , a few times a week , wrap yourself up in a blanket and just take 10 or 15 minutes to wind down and simply be in the moment — this is a great way to reset your brain .
Save your skin To maintain healthy and hydrated skin , bear in mind the effect of hot or cold air on the skin and avoid drying out . Apply moisturisers and creams more liberally . In addition , it ’ s beneficial to consume foods rich in antioxidants such as dark leafy greens , red and yellow
vegetables . These can help nourish the skin and mitigate potential damage from environmental factors .
Step into the light The seasonal change in daylight and shorter days can throw off our bodies ' hormone production , leading to fluctuations in mood . Walking or exercising outdoors during the day provides a form of light therapy that may help alleviate some symptoms of a dampened mood . Taking advantage of natural sunlight can help regulate our hormones and improve overall wellbeing .
Move your body It ' s important to engage in regular physical activity all year round , especially during winter . Studies have shown that exercising outdoors in cold weather can help burn more calories than usual . However , if outdoor exercise is not for you , there are several indoor workouts available . Working out at home in front of your television is a great way to get the exercise you need .
Spend time with loved ones Making time for what matters most , can make all the difference to your mental and emotional health . Ask yourself : What does goodness look like in my life ? Spending meaningful time with loved ones , treasured hobbies and activities or animals ? Prioritising joy-filled moments could be a wonderful way to make your world a better place .
Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 2 | 2023