B-Living Issue 2/2023 B-Living Q2 2023 | Page 10

Ask the Doctor

Have a question for the doctor ? Email us at askthedoctor @ bonitas . co . za and your question could feature in the next issue of B-Living .
Hi doc A friend told me to activate my Benefit Booster to get extra benefits . With winter on our doorstep , this will come in handy . But I have some questions . How do I activate it ? What kind of benefits can I get and up to what amount ? Robert
Hi Robert Your friend is wise . You can use the Benefit Booster to pay for out-of-hospital claims and , by doing this , you can make your day-to-day benefits or savings last longer .
The Benefit Booster can be used to pay for :
• GP and specialist consultations
• Acute and over-the-counter medicine
• Biokineticist and physiotherapist consultations and treatment
• Paramedical services such as dietician , speech and occupational therapy consultations and treatment
• Alternative healthcare such as homeopathic consultations , treatment and acupuncture
• Non-surgical procedures and tests e . g ., wart removal
• X-rays
• Blood tests
• A programme to stop smoking
This benefit is available on all our plans except BonCap and Hospital Standard and the amount allocated depends on the plan you have chosen . The benefit amount varies between R1 000 and R2 730 per family , per annum . complete the online wellness questionnaire on our Member App or go for a wellness screening at a Bonitas Wellness Day or any participating pharmacy . If you need more information , you can visit our website at www . bonitas . co . za .
Hi doc I ’ m due for an annual check-up and cleaning at a dentist but I relocated recently . How do I find a dentist on the network as I want to avoid paying extra ? Renisha
Hi Renisha It ’ s good to hear that you want to go for a dental check-up . You are correct in saying that you can avoid unexpected payments , if you go to a dental healthcare professional that is part of the DENIS Dental Network . These practices will not charge you more than the Bonitas tariffs for conservative dental treatment . This means that if you have the benefits available for the treatment , you will not have to pay any money out of your own pocket . Conservative dentistry services include dental checkups , fillings , extractions , scale and polish treatments ( cleaning ), dental X-rays , as well as preventative treatment for younger members , i . e ., fissure sealants and fluoride .
To find a dentist on the DENIS network , visit the DENIS website at www . denis . co . za and click on Find a Network Provider to search for a practice by suburb . You can also call them on 0860 336 346 .
It is quite easy to activate the Benefit Booster . Simply
6 Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 2 | 2023