“ We applied for the ISB YLP (Young Leaders’ ProgAamme) wherein the ?rst round consisted of a 90 second video describing why we suited ISB the best. On being shorglisted for the 2nd round we had to take the GMAT exam and also write 3 essays about our achievements and goals for the fPtPre. The entire Manogba Rajagopal Prerita Pandey, process helped us understand ourselves BMS3 BMS-?3 beWer and gain con?dence.”
Manisha Ranka, Aditi Gupta, Yashita Gupta, Rashi Kimtee were parg of ABE
(17 May ‘13 – 15 Jun ‘13) Manisha shares her views about the American Business ExUerience :
“The progAam is an intAicate mix of conference sessions with distingPished speakers and ?eld visits. A?er class hours are just as exciting and knowledgeable. Movies, volunteering for a marathon, river crPising, baseball games ,musical nights, walking along the river Mississippi and even the two day tAip to Chicago were some of our best exUeriences outside of class.”