Dear Reader,
Welcome to the special edition of B-‐hive, the official magazine of the BMS
deparDEent of St. Francis College for Women . This is our combined issue with
all our happening moments through out the year. Besides the contLibutions
Mom the first, second and third year stOdents, we have the “Alumni Hall of
Fame” about our nostalgic seniors.
B-‐HIVE, the world of vibrant colours! Its members, coming Mom diverse
backgLounds, carLUing their own basket of talents, blend in impeccably to
create a beautifOl pictOre; contLibuting their own colours to it. These colours of
Arista are showcased in its activities.
With everU page you tOrW, a new dimension of Arista is waiting to reveal itself
and as you flip through this issue, you are sure to realise just how colourfOl
BMS Arista is!
We are thankfOl to the BMS facultU ( Ms . Mallika She[U , Ms Geetha Anand,
Dr Subi Varghese, Ms Mahnoor Sahrash and Ms Gayathri Varadarajan) for
their supporD and help at everU step.
Happy Reading!
Editorial Team
ArUa Sajjala, Tejaswini Suri, Vrinda Tapadiya, Sneha Gilada, U..Alekya,
Chrisanna Foregard, Kadambari Chebiyam, Karen GoldwyW