Outbound Training Programme
The stOdents of BMS 3 had an out bound
progLam on 23rd Nov, conducted by Mr.
Venkat, Ms. Geetha and Ms. Marie. It had a
lot of activities like the captain’s ship, the
scholars table, honey drops, miner’s tLail etc.
There were imporDant team building lessons
in each of these activities. They required logic
to find the best solution. The food was
delicious. EverUone enjoyed the sumptOous
lunch. All the activities focussed on
management of a team and the imporDance
of communicating well in a team.
-‐ Prerita Pandey (BMS 3)
The second batch of the outbound tLaining took place
on 7th Dec ’13. It was a learWing exnerience that led to
bonding and made us realise our potential. It was all
about building tLOst and working in a team. As
management stOdents, we need to be aware and
exnerience the cornorate world. The bonding we built
was through li[le things like eating together, working
together, laughing at mistakes and the stLOggling to
rectifU them. Our gOides had desigWed the modules in
such a way that we enjoyed and related with everU
activitU. Sincere thanks to them for providing a
wonderfOl opporDOnitU to learW and exnlore ourselves.
-‐ Pallavi Agarsal (BMS 3)