Azha's User Guide Aug. 2014 | Page 5


Azha likes hanging with her firiends. Azha just love love loves to shop. Azha enjoys choreographing to different songs and rhythms. Azha loves learning about theater. Azha likes when people voluntarily get her things. Azha likes having money to spend on herself and friends/family. Azha likes when people have the same interests as her, but if they don't have common interests she won't shut you out. Azha likes group work in class , but she also likes independent assignments too. It all just depends on the assignment and/or class. Azha likes her school... sometimes. Azha likes readingbooks BUT only if they are interesting. Azha LOVES food and sleeping. One thing that Azha really likes over everything is relaxing baths. The ones with bubbles and warm water.

Azha strongly dislikes when people pronounce her name wrong. Azha doesn't like when young men dont take care of themselves and try to look nice. Azha doesn't like when people act like they have nothing going for them. Azha doesn't like TONS of rules or guidelines. She feels it restricts her creativity. Azha doesn't like when people sing the wrong lyrics to a song. Azha doesn't like when girls dance like they are "too cute".Azha doesnt like when she is listening to music and someone tries to talk to her. Azha also doesn't like when someone brings something up and then says "But I can't tell you". Azha hates when people drag they feet.