AZ&A Summer Magazine 2014 Summer 2014 | Page 12

3 2 1 AZ&A Summer 2014 Fine Motor Intensive Fine Motor Intensives Get ready for school, it’s right around the corner. Bolster your child’s skill level for fine motor tasks with intensives that focus on improving tactile and proprioceptive awareness, motor planning, dexterity and strength. Intensives are tailored developmentally for your child. In addition, core strengthening and movement breaks are included to ensure optimal regulation and attention. The focus of this particular intensive will be on the building blocks of writing. 12 Specific components to be implemented: (1) head, neck, shoulder and trunk control, (2) proximal to distal joint control, (3) weight bearing and weight shifting activities in the elbows and wrists, (4) bilateral integration skills, (5) eye- hand coordination skills, (6) components of writing. This intensive it 1:1 with one of the following therapists: Contact therapist directly to schedule. [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]