Summer 2014
Find Your
Moving Bodies,
Shifting Minds
* A collaborative program between
occupational therapy and clinical
social work. Led by Kathy Flentge
from AZ&Z and Sarah Watkin, a
LCSW from Whole Family, Inc.
While exploring therapeutic
movement including vinyasa yoga
& sensory techniques learn
practical strategies for managing
strong emotions and using
effective problem solving. This
group focuses on helping the
children understand the concepts
of “Zones of Regulation.”
Yoga will be incorporated into each
session and taught as one of the
strategies to help regulate and
slow down the body. Reflection
time will be built into the group to
allow the children to share their
experiences about their own
Groups are designed with parents
and children in mind. While the
children will participate in each
session, parents will also get an
opportunity to learn and
participate through a parent
education portion presented by
either Sarah or Kathy each week.
The goal of the group is that
parents take away an
understanding of what the
children learn during group and
are able to apply this to their
family life.
Dates: June 17-July 10
Group 1: 5-7 years
Tuesday and Thursday 10-11:30
Group 2: 8-12 years
Wednesdays TBD