Through , Alephs
are challenged to
learn about things beyond themselves and
the borders of our
Jewish faith. Through
educational programming, teens broaden their knowledge, giving each individual Aleph a new understanding
of the world around them. Education also entails teaching members the traditions of the Aleph Zadik Aleph.
Note: BBYO has created the following online resources
in an effort to maintain high quality programs:
Program Bank / BBYO’s Program Bank is your resource
for programmatic ideas to use in your chapter, council
or region. (
Build a Prayer / Build a Prayer is an online space where
Jews of all ages and backgrounds can connect on a deeply
personal level with prayer and Jewish text. You can create
and customize a service in a way that is meaningful for
you and your community. (
BBYO Stand UP / The BBYO Stand UP website gives Jewish
teens across the world a platform to showcase and share their
BBYO Stand UP campaigns. All Jewish teens can log in, find
causes to get involved within their community and learn more
about causes they feel passionately about. (