AZA is a teen-led fraternal order. Each chapter,
council, region and the International Order elects
officers with different responsibilities to sustain the
Order. Chapter officers serve six-month or full-year
terms. On the council, region and International
levels, all officers serve for one year. The following
are the major offices found in AZA chapters,
though the order of offices varies in different areas:
Aleph Godol, President
Leads his chapter
Works with each
board member to
help accomplish their
individual goals
Represents his chapter to his council/region
Runs business meetings
Makes sure the board is fulfilling their responsibilities
Communicates with the chapter advisor
Presides over chapter elections
Responsible for the well-being of the chapter
BBYO transitioned to
independence from B’nai B’rith
International to become a
new and legally independent
organization under the name
of BBYO. It is no longer
officially recognized by its
former full name, “B’nai
B’rith Youth Organization.”
Matthew Grossman became
Executive Director of BBYO.