Ayres Knowledge Center Start With The End In Mind | Page 2
WHERE does your community want to
be in five years? In 10?
HOW are you going to get there?
Do you need to grow – or manage
growth? Do you need to revitalize your
downtown – or build on momentum you
already have?
And how are you going to PAY FOR IT?
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Most communities feel the pinch of tight budgets. You are
tasked with doing more with less today, yet building for
the future.
You know there are grants available from federal, state, even
local agencies. How do you get them?
There are thousands of funding sources to be accessed, but
the best results follow a strategy that layers multiple funding
sources, state and federal, on a given project. The goal is always
to achieve a maximum return on investment of time and money.
Choosing the correct mix and timing of state and federal grants
is an art form that cannot be understated. The end goal is not
how many grants are completed but rather how to develop a
grant strategy aligned with the goals of the community and
its projects. It’s crucial to strategically think of the horizon of
projects a community is contemplating and evaluate funding
sources that are the best fit regarding competition, timeline,
sources and uses for match, demographics, and historical
Strategic analysis of funding needs
Insightful grant funding research
Effective grant proposal development and review
Accurate grant administration