Ayres Knowledge Center Scour Evaluation: Bridges with Unknown Foundations | Page 15

100-Year Event Plan: 100-yearRev River: Halifax River Reach: Upper Reach RS: 72557.88 6 20000 Legend  Stage 5 10000 Flow 4 0 -10000 2 -20000 3 1 -30000 0  -1 -2 1200 1800 11Jan2012 2400 0600 1200 12Jan2012 Smyrna_to_Hwy_100 1800 2400 0600       Time 1200 13Jan2012 Plan: 100_year_PonceInletN-Rev 1800 -40000 -50000 3/19/2012 RS = 71857.17 Cross section modified with Ayres 2011 survey data between stati .12 .027 .12 .027 .08 .12 20 Legend EG 13JAN2012 0520 15 WS 13JAN2012 0520 -2.5 ft/s -2.0 ft/s 10 -1.5 ft/s -1.0 ft/s 5 -0.5 ft/s 0.0 ft/s 0 Ground Ineff -5 Bank Sta -10 -15 -20 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Station (ft) !"#$"% #%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'()*+ Supplementary Report ,-./&01&2# 3%4 #225%2&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&67(89:&);&<=2 Page SR-15 2