Ayres Knowledge Center INDentrification Via Placemaking | Page 8
potential to accept stormwater flows from future development in the area, enabling more properties
to build or convert underutilized lots into productive uses. By providing an alternative to on-site
surface detention, this regional facility will help to reduce the overall cost of development on the
private sector.
Private investment has
already taken note of
this planned facility
and the purchase of
ramshackle collection
of derelict warehouses
is slated to transform
into the headquarters
of a design and
marketing firm. When
asked about their
decision to invest, the
founder described that
his workforce values
exciting public spaces
and amenities provided
by the Civic Commons.
Figure 8 - A screenshot from the 3D animation of Civic Commons Park, a combined
detention facility and public amphitheatre space. (Courtesy City of Cheyenne)
The second component of placemaking that is helping invigorate interest in the West Edge District
is the conversion of the rail spur into a multi-modal transportation corridor. This spur experiences
relatively little daily use with only a few short trains transferring freight cars from the Burlington
Northern Railroad to the Union Pacific line. This unimproved right-of-way also conveys a stray
passenger vehicle or two along the gravel stretch next to the rails.
Developing a vision for cleaning up this space and activating additional uses alongside has sparked
interest from recreation
transportation advocates
who would like to see a
constructed alongside
the rail. Currently, there
are no fe