Aycliffe Today Business Aycliffe Today Issue 44 | Page 30

Business WEAR T H E V O I C E O F B U S I N E S S F O R T H E W E A R R E G I O N THE VOICE OF BUSINESS FOR THE SUNDERLAND AND DURHAM REGION 20,000 B2B readership covering Sunderland, Washington, Houghton- le-Spring, Durham, Chester-le-Street, Seaham and Peterlee. We’re now working on our spring 2020 issue, due out late April (booking deadline April 3). Promotional space available from just £245 (+vat). Making Hays The Hays Travel boss who's the talk of the region CITY CENTRE VISION Sunderland’s £100m masterplan DRIVING FORCE Business Durham is leading the way for economic prosperity GREAT ANNUAL SAVINGS Seaham business goes from strength-to-strength wear.business – the voice of business for Tel: 0191 563 4208 Email: [email protected] W: wear.business the Wear region