Aycliffe Today Business Aycliffe Today Business Issue 31 | Page 28

Business. B . s usiness. s e n i s u B Aycliffe Today Aycliffe Today Aycliffe Today The magazine for Aycliffe Business Park COMPLIMENTARY e for Ay The magazin www.aycliffetoday.co.uk | [email protected] | ISSUE 29: JULY-AUGUST 2017 The mag azine fo s Park cliffe Busines oday.co.uk | martin@aycliffet ffetoday.co.uk JUNE 2017 COMPLIM | ISSUE 28 MAY- ENTARY ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: HUSQVARNA millionth Celebrating one fe... ower in Ayclif robotic lawnm ING DURHAM LIFT three years Firm on the up sion... after Aycliffe expan Busines s Park ffetoday.co RY COMPLIMENTA RAZOR P SHAR r Aycliffe www.aycli www.aycli TOMORROW’S st Leading North-Ea IT firm Razorblue with has come up tive effec a cost- net super-fast inter ffe solution for Aycli , Business Park up with speeds of . to 1,000 MB.. WORLD LAW & OR DER .uk | ma rtin@aycli ffetoday.co .uk ALSO IN THIS ISS DURHAM W SEPTEMB ER-OCTO UE: OR How you ng people KS your bus can help iness... grow Why leading shower manufacturer Roman is firm supporters of the highly-acclaimed Future Business Magnates competition... We meet the men law firm behind a based on new cor porate Aycliffe Business Park... | ISSUE 30: FOOTY Ebac spo DEAL nsors Ne wton Ayc DAVID OS liffe FC... BORNE Roman chie questions f answers our 20 over a cup pa... ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: ONE YEAR ON GOOD SKILLS FOND FAREWELL Aycliffe Business Park Community marks its first year with relaunch event... Hitachi employment boosted by Aycliffe training provider... Business Durham boss Simon Goon says so long... URES FINLEY STRUCT 2017 Strong start to firm... for family steel Aycliffe Vil lage For All Yo ur Fest ive Celeb Visit our rations we all our De bsite to view cember me nus www.the countyayc liffevilla ge.com Booking s Now Be ing Call us on 01325 31 Taken 2273 Aycliffe Today Business is the magazine for Aycliffe Business Park With a readership of 8,000, Aycliffe Today Business is circulated around the park six times a year. It’s mailed exclusively to every company on our database and is also available to read online at www.aycliffetoday.co.uk – Newton Aycliffe’s Number One website for news. Our next issue will be out in January, and the booking deadline is 5pm on Friday December 22, so get in touch with us if you want to get involved. So we can help you reach literally hundreds of potential customers. Our trained journalists can write your advertorials and we can take your pictures. Or if it’s a traditional advert you need, our professional graphic designer can do that for you. This is all part of the package – professional writing, photography and graphic design – which offers a truly unrivalled service in Newton Aycliffe. All our content is posted online and pushed through our social media platforms, reaching thousands more people. Call us today on 01325 728024 or email [email protected] BER 201 7