Aycliffe Today Business Aycliffe Today Business Issue 31 | Page 26

26 | Aycliffe Today Business BEEP is here to benefit businesses The scheme is an independent service which generates financial savings through reduced energy consumption or generation. Upgraded insulation and efficient boilers Save £££’s ect Receive free advice business energy efficiency project In partnership with Business Durham, FSB, NECC and Northern Powergrid, the project aims to provide SMEs in County Durham with a fully funded energy audit which identifies areas for cost savings throughout the business. The BEEP website provides SMEs with introductory efficiency information and case studies from SMEs who are seeing financial savings through energy efficiency. Aside from the fully funded energy audits participating SMEs benefit from analysis of energy consumption, prioritised investment recommendations and support as required to procure, select and install new energy efficient equipment. BEEP operates a grant fund which can be used to reduce the payback period of any chosen installation, however our grant is available on a first- come-first-served basis so once it’s gone its gone (subject to application terms and conditions). The project has been financially supported through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Durham County Council. BEEP is here to help County Durham SMEs make financial savings through energy efficiency www.beep.uk.net @DCCBEEP [email protected] *terms and conditions apply business energy efficiency project