Aycliffe Today Business Aycliffe Today Business Issue 31 | Page 20

20 | Aycliffe Today Business Christmas is coming – don’t be naughty, be nice! With Endeavour Partnership employment solicitor Laura Kirkpatrick... W e know that you’re a well- behaved lot and we don’t want to be party-poopers because Christmas parties are always a time to let your hair down. But, it’s also worth keeping in mind some tips to make sure none of your team ends up on the naughty list! Fancy a tipple? Of course you do, after all it is the season… and many employers at a Christmas party will provide celebratory drinks and even nicer employers will provide a free bar throughout the evening. But we all know that lots of free drinks can mean lots of drunk staff. Did you know that it’s the employer’s duty to remind staff that they should take it easy? It is! If a member of staff becomes disruptive due to drinking, take a moment to sit them down, get them a glass of water and make sure they get home safely. It goes without saying make sure junior employees under the age of 18 years are not drinking. Don’t be a bully An obvious one really, but even though away from the office, employers need to know that they are liable for the actions of their employees. Unfortunately issues can arise at a Christmas party as all members of staff are in one place. Any acts of bullying, harassment or discrimination are no more acceptable at a party than in the office. If any issues do arise, best practice is to send that employee home and deal with the incident when you are back in the office and able to implement the company’s disciplinary procedures. Promises, promises Remind your managers not promise any early Christmas presents at the party. The best advice is not to discuss promotions or pay rises with employees at the party, as words of encouragement could be misinterpreted. Tongues can be looser out of the office after a glass of fizz or two. Tweet, tweet The dreaded Twitter and Facebook posts! Almost everything ends up on social media these days and no doubt there will be video footage of the MD break-dancing or a photo of a colleague looking a little worse for wear. However even if it’s funny at the time, employers should be aware that posting photos without consent of those appearing in the photo could present data protection issues. In addition, embarrassing photos could damage relationships between colleagues or even constitute bullying. Even worse, the business’ reputation could be brought into disrepute. The best thing to do is to give your team a little nudge before the party and remind them of any social media policy that is in place. Home time Employers have a duty of care to their employees, even when the Christmas party is over and an employee is on his or her way home. Therefore, consider booking registered taxis for the journey home or ending the party whilst public transport is still running. The morning after The dreaded next day... hangovers all round? Decide in advance how lateness or absences will be treated with regards to the morning after. Make this clear to employees before the party starts and if there are any plans to deduct wages for lateness, only ever do so where the employment contract allows. Critically, ensure that all employees are fit for work when they arrive at the office the next day. But why is this all so important? Looking after your employees is vital, as is protecting the interests of the business and disciplining where unacceptable behaviour occurs. Additionally, employers can be vicariously liable for the actions of its employees and therefore it is important that acceptable standards of behaviour are maintained throughout the festive season. A Christmas party should be enjoyed, but don’t let one night create an entire advent calendar of problems – let us be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas! Laura Kirkpatrick Endeavour Partnership www.endeavour.law