Jonathan Phillips oversees operations at Aycliffe Business Park ’ s biggest employer .
Today , Gestamp Tallent also has the largest number of robots on site outside any OEM , as well as a global design centre , designing and developing chassis which are manufactured all over the world .
About 60 to 70 per cent of products manufactured at the site are exported to mainland Europe , the US and China .
But while the firm is clearly proud of these achievements , as well as its heritage , Gestamp Tallent also has its eyes set firmly on the future .
As one of the founding members of the UTC South Durham , it continues to have a trustee role at the college .
The firm also has 40 apprentices on site in Aycliffe and is proud that its apprenticeship programme has produced many talented professionals , including the current engineering director .
“ The business continues to support the growth and the nurturing of the next generation of talent in terms of engineering , manufacturing and STEM ,” says Jonathan .
“ Our apprenticeship programme helps us to identify , nurture and grow the next generation of talent , who we try to progress through the organisation .”
18 | Aycliffe Business