Employment law specialist Sharon Langridge with Greystone Legal partners Paul Humble ( left ) and Ben Healey .
Greystone Legal launches discrimination training course
Aycliffe Business Park ’ s employment law specialists , Greystone Legal , are offering a series of training sessions to equip local employers with the knowledge to navigate the complexities of employment law .
These discrimination training for business sessions , designed for businesses of all sizes , will be led by Greystone Legal ’ s experienced consultant solicitor Sharon Langridge .
Sharon will guide attendees through key areas of discrimination and harassment law , ensuring they stay compliant and confident in managing their workforce .
“ Employment law is a constantly evolving landscape ,” said Ben Healey , a partner at Greystone Legal .
“ Our goal is to help businesses protect themselves and understand what the red flags for discrimination and harassment look like .
“ For example , if workplace ‘ banter ’ occurs , some managers might not know how to handle it appropriately .
“ Proactive managers can safeguard their business against potential claims by understanding and addressing these issues early on .”
The training sessions will be provided in small informal groups and offer an overview of discrimination and a deep dive into all aspects of harassment , including the latest legislation under the Worker Protection ( Amendment of Equality Act 2010 ) Act 2023 .
The primary objective is to empower companies to deal with discrimination that arises in the workplace , and to ensure employers have taken all reasonable steps within their business to prevent discrimination arising .
In light of the new Labour government ’ s proposal to hold employers accountable for third-party harassment , greater awareness will be necessary .
Under these proposals , employers would be legally responsible for harassment experienced by their employees from clients or other third parties . Yet it can still be difficult to protect staff from harassment from third parties .
Training employees and establishing clear policies and procedures can help avoid expensive discrimination claims and help maintain workplace harmony .
Leading the sessions will be Sharon , who has 30 years ’ experience of employment law , including training business clients and some time as a senior law lecturer at Northumbria University .
Sharon has been based in the North- East for more than 30 years after starting her career in London . She worked as an employment lawyer in Darlington before joining a niche practice in Newcastle where she was a partner .
Before joining Greystone Legal , Sharon ran her own successful practice , Langridge Employment Law , for 15 years , acting for Redcar and Cleveland Council in class action equal pay claims , before stepping back to serve as a part-time employment judge for the past decade .
She has maintained strong connections with Darlington , including Darlington College .
“ I have delivered bespoke training to various clients , including national high street names ,” said Sharon .
“ Throughout my extensive career , I have handled a broad spectrum of employment law and HR issues , primarily representing employers , including SMEs , local authorities , charities and colleges , as well as senior individuals .
“ Over a period of many years I have been directly instructed as a workplace investigator , mainly in the public sector , investigating allegations of bullying and harassment and that practical focus is an important feature in the training I will deliver .”
Greystone , which was set up in 2017 by Ben and Paul Humble , would rather employers don ’ t have the discrimination headaches in the first place and this approach is designed to nip things in the bud early .
Employers will gain an enhanced understanding of discrimination laws and their practical applications , improve skills in managing and resolving complaints and increase confidence in creating a safe and inclusive workplace .
Ben added : “ With Sharon ’ s extensive experience , she will make this complex area easier to understand and more accessible .
“ We are offering opportunities in a workshop-style setting , looking at case studies to help them develop practical skills and confidence .
“ Those who attend will be much better equipped to handle any situations that arise .”
For more about Greystone Legal visit greystone . legal / equalityanddiversitytraining
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