Aycliffe Business Issue 59 | Page 20


Budding local talent paints a bright future for Gestamp


Gareth Bone and Alice Johnson from Gestamp ’ s research and development department .

Gestamp might be a world leader in chassis design , but the real secret to its outstanding global achievements lie in its motto – ‘ people the architects of success ’.

Alastair Waugh , HR professional and wellbeing lead at the firm , doesn ’ t just want Gestamp to be “ the large building on the side of the road ”.
Which is why the Newton Aycliffe site immerses itself in the local community in which it operates , including nurturing the next generation of talent that will keep the company active in the region for many years to come .
Gestamp has been recognised for this commitment to developing successful people from the local area , with an award from the University Technical College ( UTC ) South Durham .
The company is a founding partner of the college – its neighbour on Aycliffe Business Park – which opened in 2016 for 14 to
19-year-olds who have an interest in science , technology , engineering and maths .
The firm ’ s plant director , Jonathan Phillips , also sits on the UTC board , which enables Gestamp to interact at every level of college life , from students to the college principle .
Gestamp received the award for its work supporting students at the college with the development of core skills .
Speaking of the importance of the firm ’ s partnership with the college , Alastair says : “ We have got a huge responsibility because we are on their doorstep and we want to work really closely with them as a partner to them .
“ As one of the largest employers in the area , it ’ s really important to us to support them and to give young people an opportunity to get a flavour of what it ’ s like in the real world of work .
“ It ’ s important to give as many opportunities to young people and represent ourselves as much as we can , whether it ’ s on a careers day or helping with projects in various departments , such as with Alice Johnson and Gareth Bone from the research and development team .
“ We love working with young people and
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