AWS Australia Collateral Emerging Architect Prize Winners: Class of 2016 | Page 4
Anita Panov
How has winning the Emerging
Architect Prize changed your life?
The Prize has had a big impact on our young What is a project you
have worked on that
you are most proud of?
practice, bringing the possibility of new projects, We gave each of our children
different forms of collaboration and divergent a project number. We’re
avenues of investigation. It has been very quite proud of how they are
invigorating in that regard. But perhaps more developing.
meaningful than opportunity, the prize has
offered us a platform for reflection and given us
greater confidence in our ability to be decent
architects. That kind of reassurance can have a
big impact for those of us who engage in small
practice, or any kind of practice for that matter.
How do you interpret the conference theme,
‘Praxis: Process. Propositions. Production.’?
It reminds us of the wonderful Luis Mansilla’s three-legged stool
of architecture. Comprising; practice, research and teaching.
Without any single leg things get a bit wobbly.