7 & 12
Ki ’ ele : My sister , my moms , and my health are my angels . I used to get bad stomach aches , and my mom would rub my belly and tell me it ’ s okay until I fell asleep . When I woke up , I would feel all better .
Samadhi : There are a lot of angels for me . My family , my friends , and my art . But number one are my moms . My mom is my angel because she inspires me to do my art . For a while , it was just me and my mom living in the ghetto in Columbus , Ohio . Times were fun , but they were hard because it was just us . I never really talk about this kind of stuff .
Ki ’ ele : Sissy just talk . You can do it . It ’ s in your mind . Just speak !
Samadhi : We were all we had . She always told me that I have a heart of gold and that I ' m strong . If I was going through one of those stinky stages where I couldn ’ t draw anything , she ’ d say , “ Samadhi , sometimes you ’ re going to have tough times , and that ’ s ok . You just have to get through it .” She teaches me that things happen for a reason , and that I need to be positive . My Mama Dukes is my angel too . We have a tough relationship , because we bicker a lot , but when she ' s not around , I miss her the most . She always does these random acts of kindness . Like she ’ ll come home and say , “ Who wants pizza and movies ?” and then get them for us . My favorite story is when my mom and Mama Dukes first met . She got a bunch of different people to give my mom roses one by one during work . Then Ki ’ ele gave her a rose , I gave her a rose , and finally my Mama Dukes gave her the last one .
Ki ’ ele : My sister is my angel too . She loves me so much . She cuddles me and is there for me every night . When I cry , she tells me , “ It ’ s okay .”
Samadhi : Ki ’ ele is also my angel . She is my best friend . We share a room together , so we ’ re together all the time . We fight a lot , but if I see something ’ s wrong , I ask her to tell me about it , because I ’ m her big sister and I always have her back . She tells me about her boy crushes and makes me keep them a secret .
Ki ’ ele : Yeah , you promised !
Samadhi : Hope itself is my angel too . I hope for my family ’ s success and my parents ’ success . I remember one night , I woke up and my stomach was in excruciating pain . I texted my mom and said , “ Mommy , my stomach hurts . Can you come sit with me ? She came in and sat with me and told me it ’ s all in my mind . Stay positive .” Then we had a conversation and before I knew it , my stomach ache was gone . My hope is that we will always have each other ’ s backs , like my mom did for me that night .
Ki ’ ele : Being thankful for what I have is how I can be an angel to others .
Samadhi : I can be an angel by passing on my knowledge to the people around me , and doing random acts of kindness , just like my stepmom .