“ Love is my religion . I think it ’ s the foundation of everything . I think we have to learn how to love in so many different ways and forms .”
Tea : I think we all need “ that thing ” that we can set apart from all the difficult times in our lives , “ that thing ” that will keep us motivated to keep moving no matter what . I don ' t think it necessarily has to be a person . I think it ’ s a feeling that helps you move past the parts that aren ' t so pleasant in life . An angel is your most powerful driving force . It ’ s behind everything you do . It ’ s tied into your creativity . You as a poet , you as a dancer , you as a mother , you as a woman – all those things stem from that one powerhouse . It knows what you need in the moment . Sometimes you might need to be a little bit stronger . Sometimes you might need to be a little bit happier . Sometimes you might just need to have a little bit of hope on the horizon . It will adapt to what you need .
Ziggy : It ’ s definitely a feeling . I don ' t have a specific person that is my angel , but everything is in my mind , so my mind is the angel . I go based on what my mind tells me . My mind is my motivation . If I think , “ This is the person for me ,” then I ' m going to follow that . Like when I saw Timisha , it was my mind that told me that she was the right woman for me .
Tea : We are all our own angels , but at the same time we are angels for those around us . We all touch people every day without realizing it . By just existing . By smiling at someone while they walk past . That is being an angel for somebody . Somebody needed that smile . It might have been the smallest confirmation , but it ’ s something . It ’ s powerful . Ziggy and I like to inspire people , although there are people out there who aren ' t ready to embrace us and move forward . That ’ s their own space and we respect that , but there are a lot of people who are ready to grow and inspire others .
Ziggy : Having a large following on social media and being in front of the camera helps us be angels to others . Timisha and I inspire people by showing how strong our love is . It is not our intention to prove to people that this is how a relationship should be . It ’ s more , “ If this is what you want , it ’ s out there and you can get that .” I wasn ’ t accepted by mother , but now I ' m gaining a following based off who I am . I can express myself in a way that I never got to before . That gives confidence to a lot of people who have gone through the same . I have people tell me that I make them want to come out to their parents , and that I inspire them because I have a family that I have created without actually birthing my children .
Tea : A lot of people have this vision of what they expect love to be like and what love is supposed to be . People don ' t necessarily believe that their expectation of love and their reality of love can be the same thing . It can . I think it ’ s important to share that it does exist , and is attainable . The spark is real . Making people realize that they can have the love they want stops people from thinking that they deserve less . Love is my religion . I think it ’ s the foundation of everything . I think we have to learn how to love in so many different ways and forms . I have love for my lover , for my children . I have love for strangers walking down the street . I have love and respect for cultures and religions . If we all live in love , there will be a lot less room for things like hate and judgment and violence .
Ziggy & Tea : Love is our angel .