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He later Expressed his regret by saying:

“I definitely should not have done the catering, and I definitely should not have taken the picture,” he says. “I am not a Trump supporter.”

What We think about this situation...

As businesses look for opportunities to grow their companies and gain market share it is critical that they understand new and emerging demands from consumers, especially within growing segments, wherever they do business. It’s critical that we support small balck business owners to help them continue to grow. The same way we support high-end designers that use our culture to sell their products but would never hire a black person to work in their corporate office. So, we think that there are levels to our “Wokeness” as a people. If you’re somebody you can do whatever you want. You can say whatever you want, you could do things that affect us directly, it doesn’t matter to us. But, if you are the average Joe we become very judgmental and angry. This man, a small business owner, made the decision that could have grown his business and we got so angry and mad about it that we decided to boycott his business? Why? Does this mean that he accepts trumps views? No! I’t mean that he made a conscious decision as a business owner to do what was right for his business.

Black-Owned Restaurant Facing Boycott After Catering a Trump Event

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