AWO 2022 Annual Report | Page 3

“ AWO is the indispensable vehicle – our advocate , resource , and united voice – helping us navigate an unpredictable operating and public policy environment …”
the July 19 Certificate-of-Inspection milestone marking full implementation of Subchapter M and delivered advocacy victories that saved us millions of dollars , countless hours , and untold headaches . The pages that follow highlight some of the many successes we achieved through our work together in 2022 , wins that benefited every member of AWO , from the smallest to the largest , in every region and every sector of our industry .
None of these achievements would have been possible without the engagement , guidance , and support of AWO members throughout the country . And , even greater things are possible if we remain united , engaged , and committed to working together to move the industry we love Forward into the Future .
Thank you for the honor of serving as your Chairman .

“ AWO is the indispensable vehicle – our advocate , resource , and united voice – helping us navigate an unpredictable operating and public policy environment …”

Clark Todd Blessey Marine Services , Inc . Chairman of the Board