AWO 2020 Annual Report | Page 6

■ Launched the Mid-America Regional Quality Steering Committee ’ s Subchapter M Consistency Quality Action Team
■ Supported safe navigation and efficient operations throughout the country , including by : – Working with WCI to enact legislation that changes the cost-share for inland waterways infrastructure projects and provides flexibility to expedite dredging after highand low-water events
– Working through the River Industry Executive Task Force to support reliable navigation on the Western Rivers through challenging river conditions
– Securing legislative constraints on Interception-Rearing Complexes and working to ensure that water is not diverted out of the Missouri and Mississippi River basins
– Publishing the AWO Tankering & Barge Operations Subcommittee report to drive safety improvements to access and egress in vessel-to-facility interfaces
– Advocating against mandatory application of the IMO Polar Code to towing vessels operating in the Arctic – Working with the Puget Sound Pilots to develop Bollard Pull Testing Standard of Care to balance real-time evaluation of ship assist capability against the costs and disruption of periodic testing
– Securing publication of Coast Guard proposed rule to establish an Atlantic Coast Shipping Safety Fairway to preserve traditional navigation routes
– Engaging in Coast Guard port access route studies and anchorage proposals to support navigational safety improvements along the Atlantic Coast
■ Secured Maritime Administration funding and cooperation to update study that demonstrates the industry ’ s positive economic and employment impact
■ Secured video and print interviews with new President & CEO , further establishing AWO as a goto resource for media and setting a dynamic , proactive public tone
■ Placed op-eds expanding reader audiences and educating the public on critical industry priorities
■ Conducted nearly 20 live and virtual speaking engagements to tell the industry ’ s story and advocate for its public policy priorities with governmental , academic , media and private-sector stakeholders
■ Conducted virtual vessel tours with legislators and began development of a recorded virtual tour to educate government officials , media , and the public
■ Made consistent , strategic use of social media across Twitter , Facebook , LinkedIn and Instagram , continually posting on a broad range of topics and growing AWO ’ s audience on each of these platforms