AWCCI Magazines Afghan Women in Business (Issue 3) | Page 35
Let me share my personal experience
with you. When my first child was born
I was at home and not working outside.
There was no any reason to work out,
because my husband had a good job and
we were in a good economic situation.
Whatever I needed I had. I had my free
time, but I was not interested in anything
to do, when I was shopping I was not
enjoying, even when I was dying my
hair I had no good feeling as well. I
was thinking about future, to go
where and to read which book.
Sometimes I was in the past
and sometimes in the future, I was
not feeling the life in the current
time, day by day I was feeling that
I am not as useful as past time for my-
self, there was no effort on my capaci-
ty building, and in fact there was no ef-
fort for having a better life in the future.
On that time I felt missing myself badly, I
understood earning money was not the only
reason to work outside and when you are work-
ing you feel to use
all the opportunities in your life and be useful in your life. When you are working, you will
try to use your capacity building, then you will find all your weaknesses and try to remove
them and change them to your strength.
Believe that an independent woman can manage her personal life in a better way, an inde-
pendent woman never loves a man for his money, and then the man knows that she is in love
with him not with his money.
Ernest Hemingway says Money can never bring prosperity, but poverty can make you mis-
erable. An independent woman will never get excited with his husband’s money and will not
enjoy spending the money that has not worked for earning it.
An independent woman has no need to beg for money from his husband to buy an expensive
ring for her old mother for appreciating her. She works with all challenges and difficulties in
a society, and buys the ring with her own income to present her mother a ring. Yes an inde-
pendent woman is always attractive and better looking.