AWCCI Magazines Afghan Women in Business (Issue 2) | Page 4
President’s Message
We hope you enjoyed reading our first volume of the magazine launched on March 12,
2019. We also hope to continue providing you the valuable information and stories on busi-
nesswomen in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan’s Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry was established to have an
umbrella organization for all women business owners in the country and to serve as infor-
mation sharing platform for businesswomen and policy makers of the country to aware
them and help them acknowledge and give recognition to Afghan women’s economic con-
AWCCI tries to provide information to businesses and organizations in the country about
women owned businesses and consider buying from them. For that we launched our cam-
paign Buy from Afghan women businesses in May 2017 and relaunched it on March 12,
2019. In order to help organizations and businesses get aware of the existence of wom-
en-owned businesses in the country, we started publishing their profiles in the booklets
since October 2017 on quarterly basis. In the first Quarter of 2019 we decided to provide
a more interesting piece of reading to our partner and public and to get our various stake-
holders and public aware of the women in business in Afghanistan, we decided to publish a
quarterly magazine “Afghan Women in Business”.
We hope our readers specially women get knowledge, information, inspiration and aspi-
ration for entrepreneurship and taking part in the economic development of the country.
We hope to get constructive suggestions and what topics our readers would like to read in
our magazine.
We also hope we get both academic articles from female writers on economic issues and
success stories of businesswomen to publish in our magazine.
With lots of hopes for the country’s prosperity,
Manizha Wafeq