AWCCI Magazines Afghan Women in Business (Issue 2) | Page 12
AWCCI won 11th World Chambers compe-
tition in Best SME’s and Entrepreneurship
Development Category
of Commerce (Colombia), Istanbul Chamber of
Commerce (Turkey), Konya Chamber of Indus-
try (Turkey), National Confederation of Indus-
try (Brazil), and Quito Chamber of Commerce
Afghanistan Women Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (AWCCI) participated in the 11th
edition of World Chambers Congress and Com-
petition in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 12-14
June 2019. International Chamber of Com-
merce (ICC) and World Chambers Federation
holds World Chambers Congress and the com-
petition every 2 years. The competition was in
three categories, Best Education and Training
Project, Best SME and Entrepreneurship De-
velopment Project, and Best Unconventional
Project. AWCCI participated in the category
of Best SME’s and Entrepreneurship Devel-
opment competition this year. After being
among 16 finalists of world Chambers Com-
petition, AWCCI won the competition among
6 of its category and they were Cali Chamber
AWCCI represented its achievements and ac-
complishments in less than two years to re-
flect its efficiency in women economic em-
powerment and advocacy for Afghan women,
such as: in the first year of establishment: fa-
cilitating 665 participation of more than 200
women-owned businesses in 31 events (includ-
ing exhibitions, conferences and workshops)
inside and outside Afghanistan, Since 2016;
more than 500 women attendance in legal
awareness and advocacy training from 5 prov-
inces Kabul, Mazar, Herat, Jelalabad and Kan-
dahar. In 2018, 5% priority for women in pro-
curement by National Procurement Authority
(NPA) , 15-20% Industrial rule for SME’s and
women, Private Sector Development NPP, Na-
tional Export strategy, National Trade Policy,
facilitating more than 700 participation of a
total of 321 women from Kabul and provinces
in more than 25 Exhibitions outside the coun-
try 15 Exhibitions inside the Country, Weekly
Juma Bazaars in two locations of Kabul since
July, 2018 , providing 160 women business
owners with opportunity of participation in
6 training outside the country and 7 training
inside the country, 13 conferences outside
of the country, First Time in 16 years 8 wom-
en companies went to Dubai to sell of Global
Village for six months, Establishing first mini
Industrial Park and 20 women recognized and