AWCCI Magazines Afghan Women in Business (Issue 2) | Page 10
Clothing and Handicrafts Association
AWCCI participation in Arg
supper ceremony
Ms. Manizha Wafeq, the President of AWCCI and
20 businesswomen attended ceremony held by
Arg, Presedential Palace on the occasion of In-
dustry Week on May18, 2019 at Chaharchenar
castle. Ms. Wafeq talked on women occupation
and activities in the industry sector.
Besides, AWCCI attended a supper ceremony
that was organized by Arg, the Presidential pal-
ace on the occasion of Industry week on May
23, 2019. Ms. Wafeq on behalf of Afghan busi-
nesswomen community delivered speech and
had recommendations on women products pri-
ority, businesswomen encouragement by peo-
ple in high ranks, attention on industry growth,
the establishment of a separate procedure for
renting state property for women, awareness
raising for executive staff, annual budget al-
locations to each ministry in research and de-
velopment department, support for domestic
products, especially in the dairy industry, and
donors for the private sector, especially for
In addition, she emphasized on separate tax
regulations, Tax incentives for women so wom-
en will be encouraged and can get in the econ-
omy Pierre and officially enter to the formal
economy. At the end, Mr. President asked AWC-
CI to submit the recommendations in a detailed
way as a draft for them.
AWCCI held a session for establishing Clothing
and Handicrafts associations for businesswom-
en from Clothing, Hanicrafts and Embroidery
sectors on 21 May 2019 at AWCCI main office.
16 businesswomen who were in the targeted
sectors attended the session.
this session begun with welcome note by Ms.
Manizha Wafeq, the President of AWCCI. Ms.
Wafeq added that organizing women into asso-
ciations, consortiums or unions is the plan we
are working on since last year and the main pur-
poses of organizing women into consortiums
are: integrating women of sector specific un-
ions and networking among them, to ease the
work with them, better management of their
activities and connecting them to buyers. She
emphasized on raising the quality of Afghan
women’s products and asked the participants
to always strive to maintain the identity of busi-
ness women.
As continued, Ms. Parwarish Oryakhail, AWCCI
Business Development Services Director talked
about the different aspects of creating associa-
tions, further she added that one of the biggest
achievements of establishing these associa-
tions will be finding out the women businesses
capacity in different sectors. She highlighted
the procedure of creating association as fol-
lowing: registering the association, receiving
the license, preparing bylaw, and selecting the
foundation members.
Participants appreciated AWCCI’s efforts for
women businesses promoting and develop-
ment and said that they will try their best to
attain the purposes of establishing this associ-