AWB's 2020 Annual Report | Page 22


Healthy membership growth continued in 2020 , despite the effects of the pandemic . This is reflective of AWB ’ s role as a resource and advocate during a period of immense challenge and disruption . While advocacy and pandemic support was a driver of membership for some employers , the association continues to see strong gains in membership — often small and medium-sized employers — due to product offerings such as HealthChoice , CompWise and My Future 401 ( k ).
membership by number of employees
membership by industry
64 %
14 %
8 %
5 %
4 %
2 %
2 %
1 %
1-10 employees 11-25 employees 26-50 employees 51-100 employees 101-250 employees 251-500 employees 501-2,500 employees over 2,500 employees
27 %
16 %
14 %
10 %
10 %
9 %
7 %
4 %
3 %
services construction manufacturing retail banks , insurances & real estate wholesale ag , forestry & mining trans , utilities & communications chambers & associations


Revenue outperformed projections in 2020 despite the pandemic . Expenses were below budget which positioned AWB to continue serving Washington employers and enabled AWB to direct resources to programs that will further the mission to bring economic prosperity to all of Washington , and to serve as the state ’ s champion for economic recovery .
Chamber of the Year p 22