2022 legislative review
The measure passed the House 91-6 and the Senate 46-3 .
ESHB 1733 establishing voluntary exemptions to the longterm services and supports trust program for certain populations
Passed / AWB Supported
Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1733 , introduced by Rep . Dave Paul , D-Oak Harbor , establishes voluntary exemptions from the WA Cares program for certain populations including : veterans , military spouses , certain temporary workers , and employees who work in Washington but reside outside of the state .
• An employee who is a veteran of the United States military who has been rated by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs as having a serviceconnected disability of at least 70 percent and an employee who is the spouse or registered domestic partner of an activeduty service member of the United States Armed Forces .
• An employee who holds a nonimmigrant visa for temporary workers who is employed by an employer in Washington .
Rep . Kelly Chambers , R-Puyallup , is the ranking minority member of the House College & Workforce Development Committee .
• An employee who is employed in Washington , but maintains a permanent residence outside of Washington as the employee ’ s primary location of residence .
The bill passed the House 67-29 and the Senate 38-11 .
health care workforce bills
The United States , and Washington in particular , face a health care workforce shortage that threatens to develop into a full-blown crisis — a crisis that drives up health care costs for the state . The crisis is even more acute in rural communities . Several bills made their way through the Legislature this session aimed at addressing regulations concerning health professions licensing and workforce issues for the health care industry . Licensing bills included :
SHB 1286 adopting the psychology interjurisdictional compact
Passed / AWB Supported
Sponsored by Rep . Kelly Chambers , R-Puyallup , SHB 1286 adopts the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact to allow psychologists who meet specified standards to practice interjurisdictional telepsychology in another compact state and temporarily practice in-person psychology for up to 30 days within a calendar year in another compact state . The psychology compact does not apply to the permanent in-person , faceto-face practice of psychology in a state in which the psychologist does not hold a full license . The bill passed the House 96-0 and the Senate 49-0 .
ESHB 1877 addressing expired certifications for certain health professions
Failed / AWB Supported
Sponsored by Rep . Kelly Chambers , R-Puyallup , ESHB 1877 would have allowed a person holding a home care aide certificate that has been expired for five years or less to have their certificate reinstated if the person holding the expired certificate completed an abbreviated application form , paid any necessary fees , provided written declarations regarding any disqualifying or disciplinary actions taken against the
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