issue area reports | education and workforce
Sen . Sharon Brown , R-Kennewick , serves on the Senate business , Financial Services and Trade Committee .
apprenticeship programs . The bill further refines the definition of “ resident student ” for purposes of the WSOS to align it with the Washington College Grant ( WCG ) Program . The bill passed the House 89-4 and the Senate 92-5 .
2SHB 1835 creating outreach and completion initiatives to increase postsecondary enrollment
Passed / AWB Supported
Sponsored by Rep . Drew Hansen , D-Bainbridge Island , 2SHB 1835 creates , through the Washington Student Achievement Council , a statewide marketing campaign to increase awareness of the Washington College Grant program and increase completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and Washington Application For State Financial
Aid through the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges . The bill passed the House 83-14 and Senate 27-21 .
E2SSB 5764 concerning apprenticeships and higher education
Passed / AWB Supported
Sponsored by Sen . Emily Randall , D-Bremerton , E2SSB 5764 expands eligibility for the Washington College Grant to eligible apprenticeship programs . By the 2025-26 academic year , the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges must provide eligible apprentices access to the Washington College Grant for Apprenticeships through the financial aid office at the college where the apprentice receives related supplemental instruction . The bill passed the Senate 49-0 and House 94-2 .
2SSB 5789 creating the washington career and college pathways innovation challenge program
Passed / AWB Supported
Sponsored by Sen . Emily Randall , D-Bremerton , 2SSB 5789 establishes the Washington Career and College Pathways Innovation Challenge Program with the intent of meeting statewide post-secondary attainment goals using local and regional partnerships . The program must be administered using a competitive grant process and must consider , among other things , initiatives that :
• Raise educational attainment and decrease opportunity gaps
• Engage community-based organizations
• Provide financial support or other services and supports for enrollment
special edition 2022 17