AWARE April 2014 | Page 7

What Do You Do

When Judas Kisses You?

1. Don't Stoop To Their Level - (Verse 50)

Even though Jesus had foretold his disciples that He would be betrayed, and even confirmed to Judas that it would indeed be him who would betray Jesus, here we see Jesus refer to him as friend. Jesus knew Judas came only to betray Him, yet He still called him friend...

2. Don't Change Who You Are - (Verse 51)

Jesus didn't stop showing compassion and unconditional love simply because Judas placed the kiss of betrayal on Him. But in the midst of the crowd, while He was yet facing death on the cross...Jesus took the time to heal the soldier's ear...

3. Don't Tempt The Hand Of God- (Verse 53)

Jesus learned early in His ministry not to tempt God. After all, this is what Satan tried to entice Him to do in his temptation of Him. I know when we are hurt, and betrayed by others, the temptation is to pray "sic'em God Prayers"...

4. Don't Forget About The Ministry- (Verse 54)

Jesus knew that God's mission and purpose for His life must go forth, no matter the cost. We all want the anointing, we want the favor, we want the powerful ministry, We want this and we want that...but rarely do we think about what will be required for us to have it. To whom much is given, much is required, are you willing to endure the required; even if it is a kiss of betrayal?!?

Matthew 26: 48-54