AWARE April 2014 | Page 2

The Heart of Our Shepherd


Worship Services:

Sunday - 10:00am

Tuesday Bible Study - 7:00pm

It is my heart’s desire that Israel be saved. As I go about handling the day to day responsibilities, I see so many doing the same. My heart pains as I see emptiness in their eyes. It’s as if so many have given up on their dreams; they have given up on life and on God.

The Word tells us that where there is no vision, the people perish. I can only believe this is the reason for our perishing hearts. We have lost the vision for our life and the result is, roaming around aimlessly as if there is no hope.

Beloved, find whatever strength you have left and fight to get your vision back.

Notice this; Helen Keller wasn’t born a violent child. She was a normal child with aspirations and dreams just like anyone else. She was born with the ability to both see and hear. But at the age of 19 months, she contracted an illness that left her deaf and blind. But our gracious God, had a ram in the bush for little Helen Keller. Her name was Anne Sullivan. She was able to break through to Helen Keller and give her the tools she needed to adjust to life without sight and hearing. Helen Keller went on to accomplish things many of us will only dream of.

Helen Keller wasn’t born violent. No, this is what she became when her vision was striped from her. We too become like Helen Keller when we lose our vision. We become someone other than the Father intended us to be. Because when we lose our vision:

• It alters who we are.

• It limits our ability to communicate.

• It leaves us feeling hopeless.

Thus, we lead hopeless, empty lives that are so far beneath what the Father desires for us. Today, make the commitment to fight to get your vision back. Fight to dream again. Fight to believe again. Fight, to live!