Average Guide to..
Hiding your Individuality
While we've already tackled appearance, there are many other ways that you can accidentally
show your individuality, something no girl wants, so here’s a handy guide!
You may not think that how and what
you eat isn’t important, but it is!
You should abide by the average meal
time guide; Breakfast at 8am, Lunch at
1pm and Dinner at 6pm.
Always insist that you prefer tea to
coffee, even if you don’t.
Never let on that you know more than
two recipes off by heart, Spaghetti Bolognaise and Roast Dinner.
Where you work isn’t half as important as
how much and what you earn! Persuing your
dream is one thing, just ensure you follow
these rules; Pick somewhere a fair distance
away, you should be travelling 3 to 4 hours
a week. Ensure you’re working 34 hours a
week, if you can’t get any extra hours, just
hang around and make it look like you’re
working! You should earn £22,151 per year,
so be sure to send that extra cash back your
boses way!
It's important to share the same beliefs as
others if you want to blend in.
Most people are Christian but never go to
church, so this is an easy one to follow!
Most people also believe in Ghosts so we
suggest you come up with some phoney
stories when the question comes up.
Finally, you should always check your
horoscope, despite not actually believing
what it says.