Average Magazine December 2013 | Page 12

Average Guide to.. Time spent on the internet per day http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2013... The average person uses the internet for 1 hour and 15 minutes per day, mainly for checking social networks, emails and current events. This time does not include time in work or education where you are using the computer and should be deducted from your personal time each day. Welcome to Blahbook — Log in, sign up or learn more http://www.blahbook.co.uk/login You should spend at least 55 minutes of your daily internet time on Blahbook and have exactly 130 friends. Be sure to update your status to make sure everyone knows exactly how average you are. Mobile internet use on Iphone and Android http://econsultancy.com/uk/blog/7697-10-... Be sure to have a smartphone with internet access! Use it lying in bed, waiting for the bus, even when you’re in the middle of a conversation. Put a film on and pay no attention to it while you google things on your phone, everybody is doing it, you should too. The rise of internet piracy http://infographiclist.com/tag/piracy.. 70% of internet users say they have no problem with internet piracy, meaning that you too should get downloading! Your home computer should have a minimum of 1 illegally downloaded file on it, and your iPod should have around $800 of pirated music on it. What should I be illegally downloading? http://infographiclist.com/tag/piracy.. If you’re going to download stuff, you might as well get the most common things! The most downloaded film is Avatar and TV show is Lost. If you prefer gaming then go for Call of Duty, and why not download some Kanye West & Jay Z to listen to while you game! Adobe Photoshop is the most popular downloaded software so why not edit those profile pictures a little blander before uploading to Blahbook?